The Hub submitted evidence to the House of Lords European Affairs Committee


The Hub has submitted evidence to the House of Lords EU Affairs Committee’s inquiry on Citizens’ Rights. Find the full list of submissions on the Committee website.

First, the Hub submitted evidence responding to questions from the committee. The evidence covers concerns:

  • the rights of those with pre-settled status,

  • issues with digital-only status,

  • the impact of Covid-19,  

  • issues with Home Office guidance and decision-making,

  • the government’s approach to post-deadline issues. 

Secondly, Charlotte O’Brien produced a memo on the residence rights of EU citizens who were in the UK before the transition period ended on the 31 December 2020, and who continue to reside in the UK thereafter. It highlights the complexity created from the implementation of two parallel rights regimes: the UK’s EU Settlement Scheme and the EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement. 

The Hub’s team at the Migration Observatory also submitted evidence on what we do and do not know about how successfully the scheme has served the diverse range of EU citizens and their family members. This highlights particular concerns with the data on the EU Settlement Scheme going forward.


Hub evidence contributes to House of Lords European Affairs Committee report


New commentary: What now? The EU Settlement Scheme after the Deadline